Really like the Luminous Spaces translation because it mentions a wave and that’s a key ingredient on my Vision Board this year. Always looking for connections! I also appreciate your sharing his poetry. What a fascinating person and I love when I’ve read so far of his poetry.

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Isn't he wonderful? I return to his work over and over.

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Verso and recto--the left and right hand sides of a book!

I've been trying to remember what they were called, saying Verso and Quarto quietly to myself and knowing that wasn't right.

Now I need to remember the Jim Harrison book that has a long series of poems that runs on every verso page.

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Oh lovely. So many beautiful little rabbit trails here.

We've never read any of the Moomin books... I know! I know! I'm thinking maybe those need to be in Ben's birthday basket next month. He and I are currently enjoying Robert Macfarlane's Lost Spells having just finished Gareth Hind's lovely graphic novel of The Odyssey. Finding new books that are in his range is tricky since he's really an audiobook guy; but maybe this is the summer of Moomin.

I just finished a re-read of The Summer Book. Oh it's so good. A perfect summer read. I think I should read it every summer.

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I adore Macfarlane's work. And the Gareth Hind Odyssey was a delight. We're reading Emily Wilson's translation now.

The first time I read the Moomin series to Huck & Rilla, we got to the end and they insisted we start right back at the beginning! We've spent whole years reading Moomins! Moominmamma is a kindred spirit, Melanie—one of us for sure. :)

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Hi Melissa. Thankyou for this post, which I found deeply interesting.

I'm not sure how I arrived here on your site; the highways and byways of Substack are still mysterious to me. However, as soon as I saw "Tales from Moominvalley" in the subtitle I had to read this post.

I fell in love with the Moomins long ago, as a child, when I came across Moominland Midwinter at my local library. So magical.... I wanted to live in Moominland. I still do. And yes - the Moomin books are not just for children. They are simply beautiful, and wise also.

I have never come across the poetry of Olav Hauge so I will go searching. My own poetry and creativity grows through exposure to other creative minds. The fragments you quote draw me in.... Scandinavian landscapes are so dramatically different to anything here in Australia.

Thankyou again.

Best Wishes - Dave :)

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